SAP 3D Visual Enterprise applications SDK
sDVLNodeInfo Struct Reference

#include <DVLScene.h>

Public Attributes

uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLNodeInfo
 You must set it to sizeof(sDVLNodeInfo) before calling RetrieveNodeInfo()
char * m_szNodeName
 Receives the name of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_NAME is used. Otherwise NULL.
char * m_szNodeInfo
 Receives the additional info of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_INFO is used. Otherwise NULL. Currently used only for the hotspots'nodes.
char * m_szAssetID
 Receives the asset id of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_ASSETID is used. Otherwise NULL.
char * m_szUniqueID
 Receives the unique id of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_UNIQUEID is used. Otherwise NULL.
uint32_t m_uParentNodesCount
 Receives the length of the parent node chain if DVLNODEINFO_PARENTS is used. Otherwise 0. May also be 0 if the node is a top level one.
uint32_t m_uChildNodesCount
 Receives the number of child nodes if DVLNODEINFO_CHILDREN is used. Otherwise 0. May also be 0 if the node has no children.
uint32_t m_uFlags
 Receives a set of DVLNODEINFO_XXX flags that show which members of the structure are valid.
float m_fOpacity
 Receives node opacity, which is a floating point value in the range of 0.0f .. 1.0f (0.0 - fully transparent (and thus invisible), 1.0 - fully opaque (the usual case))
uint32_t m_uHighlightColor
uint32_t m_uURIsCount
 Receives the number of URIs if DVLNODEINFO_URI is used. Otherwise 0. May also be 0 if node has no URIs.

Detailed Description

This structure is used to retrieve node information from IDVLScene interface


  • You need to initialize the m_uSizeOfDVLNodeInfo member of the sDVLNodeInfo structure with its size.
  • You need to call ReleaseNodeInfo() after each RetrieveNodeInfo()

Member Data Documentation

§ m_pChildNodes

DVLID* sDVLNodeInfo::m_pChildNodes

If DVLNODEINFO_CHILDREN flag is specified, it points to an array of m_uChildNodesCount items, containing DVLIDs of child nodes.

If a node has no children, the array is empty. If DVLNODEINFO_CHILDREN flag is not used, it is NULL.

§ m_pParentNodes

DVLID* sDVLNodeInfo::m_pParentNodes

If DVLNODEINFO_PARENTS flag is specified it points to the array of m_uParentNodesCount items, containing DVLIDs of parent nodes starting from the scene tree top down to the current node.

If the scene is a top-level, the array is empty. If DVLNODEINFO_PARENTS flag is not used, it is NULL.

§ m_pURIs

sDVLURI* sDVLNodeInfo::m_pURIs

If DVLNODEINFO_URI flag is specified, it points to an array of m_uURIsCount items, containing sDVLURI.

If a node has no URIs, the array is empty. If DVLNODEINFO_URI flag is not used, it is NULL.

§ m_uHighlightColor

uint32_t sDVLNodeInfo::m_uHighlightColor

Receives node highlight color which is a 32-bit ABGR value, where A is is highlight intensity.

If A=0, then there is no highlighting whatsoever. If A=255, then object if rendered in RGB color of m_uHighlightColor If A=128, then object color is blended as 50% of original color and 50% of highlight color

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: