143 #pragma pack(push, 1) 146 char *m_szDestination;
161 #pragma pack(push, 1) 228 #pragma pack(push, 1) 261 #pragma pack(push, 1) 366 #define DVLPARTSLIST_RECOMMENDED_uMaxParts 1000 369 #define DVLPARTSLIST_RECOMMENDED_uMaxNodesInSinglePart 1000 372 #define DVLPARTSLIST_RECOMMENDED_uMaxPartNameLength 200 375 #define DVLPARTSLIST_UNLIMITED_uMaxParts 0 378 #define DVLPARTSLIST_UNLIMITED_uMaxNodesInSinglePart 0 381 #define DVLPARTSLIST_UNLIMITED_uMaxPartNameLength 0 416 #pragma pack(push, 1) 437 #pragma pack(push, 1) 456 #pragma pack(push, 1) 565 #pragma pack(push, 1) 655 virtual void GetNodeSelectionInfo(uint32_t *pTotalSelectedNodesCount, uint32_t *pVisibleSelectedNodesCount, uint32_t *pHiddenSelectedNodesCount) = 0;
862 virtual void ReleaseThumbnail(
sDVLImage *pThumbnail) = 0;
919 virtual DVLRESULT BuildPartsList(uint32_t uMaxParts, uint32_t uMaxNodesInSinglePart, uint32_t uMaxPartNameLength,
1034 virtual DVLRESULT ActivateStep(
bool bFromTheBeginning,
bool bContinueToTheNext,
float stepTime = -1.f) = 0;
1043 virtual DVLRESULT PauseCurrentStep() = 0;
1072 enum eCreateNodeCopyFlags : uint16_t
1074 COPY_CHILDREN = (1 << 0),
1075 COPY_ANIMATION = (1 << 1),
1088 virtual DVLID CreateNodeCopy(
DVLID idNode,
DVLID idParent, eCreateNodeCopyFlags flags) = 0;
1151 virtual DVLRESULT SetNodeHighlightColor(
DVLID id, uint32_t color) = 0;
1247 virtual IDVLMaterial *GetMaterialByName(
const char *name)
const = 0;
1255 virtual size_t GetNodeSubmeshesCount(
DVLID nodeId)
const = 0;
1266 virtual IDVLMaterial *GetNodeSubmeshMaterial(
DVLID nodeId,
size_t index)
const = 0;
1304 virtual void Retain() = 0;
1311 virtual void Release() = 0;
Match nodes by comparing node name/assetid/uniqueid with "str" (case insensitive, UTF8-aware) ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:549
Retrieve the node unique id.
Definition: DVLScene.h:111
uint32_t m_uNodesCount
Number of nodes in the layer.
Definition: DVLScene.h:241
uint32_t m_uFlags
Receives a set of DVLNODEINFO_XXX flags that show which members of the structure are valid...
Definition: DVLScene.h:197
DVLID * m_pNodes
Array of node IDs. Array size is m_uNodesCount.
Definition: DVLScene.h:575
Retrieve the list of child nodes.
Definition: DVLScene.h:18
char * m_szName
Name of the layer.
Definition: DVLScene.h:235
uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLNodeInfo
You must set it to sizeof(sDVLNodeInfo) before calling RetrieveNodeInfo()
Definition: DVLScene.h:165
Definition: DVLScene.h:478
uint32_t m_uNodesCount
Number of nodes belonging to this part.
Definition: DVLScene.h:423
uint32_t m_uChildNodesCount
Number of child nodes if DVLSCENEINFO_CHILDREN flag is passed. Otherwise 0.
Definition: DVLScene.h:62
Definition: DVLScene.h:229
Match nodes by comparing first "strlen(str)" symbols of node name/assetid/uniqueid with "str" (case s...
Definition: DVLScene.h:558
DVLID * m_pNodes
Array of nodes belonging to the part of the m_uNodesCount length.
Definition: DVLScene.h:426
char * m_szValue
The value of the pair.
Definition: DVLScene.h:325
The "invalid" value of DVLID type.
Definition: DVLTypes.h:15
Definition: DVLScene.h:417
uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLLayerInfo
Size of the structure. You must set it to sizeof(sDVLLayerInfo) before calling RetrieveLayerInfo() ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:232
Retrieve scene dimensions.
Definition: DVLScene.h:27
Definition: DVLScene.h:526
Defines the language type of the string passed into Execute()
Definition: DVLTypes.h:187
uint32_t m_uSelectedNodesCount
Number of selected nodes if DVLSCENEINFO_SELECTED flag is passed. Otherwise 0.
Definition: DVLScene.h:71
Definition: DVLScene.h:566
Definition: DVLScene.h:500
char * m_szAssetID
Receives the asset id of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_ASSETID is used. Otherwise NULL...
Definition: DVLScene.h:174
bool m_bIsHotspotLayer
"Hotspot layer" flag
Definition: DVLScene.h:248
Definition: DVLScene.h:162
Find node by "node name".
Definition: DVLScene.h:529
Definition: DVLScene.h:330
Definition: DVLTypes.h:383
Retrieve hotspots (some of top level nodes have a 'hotspot' flag. Nodes with hotspot flag may only ha...
Definition: DVLScene.h:42
Retrieve node highlight color.
Definition: DVLScene.h:126
char * m_szSource
VEID source.
Definition: DVLScene.h:333
uint32_t m_uNodesCount
Number of nodes.
Definition: DVLScene.h:572
sDVLVEIDNameValuePair * m_pNameValuePairs
Array of key-value pairs of the m_uNameValuePairsCount size.
Definition: DVLScene.h:342
uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLSceneInfo
Size of the structure. You must set it to sizeof(sDVLSceneInfo) before calling RetrieveSceneInfo() ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:59
uint32_t m_uHighlightColor
Definition: DVLScene.h:207
Find node by "DS selector id" (unique id is stored inside some VDS files [it is optional]) ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:538
char * m_szName
The name of the step or model view, UTF-8 encoding. May be NULL.
Definition: DVLScene.h:467
uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLPartsListInfo
The size of the sDVLPartsListInfo structure. Needs to be filled before calling IDVLScene::BuildPartsL...
Definition: DVLScene.h:441
Retrieve a list of hotspot layers (hotspot layers may only have hotspot nodes inside them) ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:45
Definition: DVLScene.h:543
char * m_szInfo
Description of the layer.
Definition: DVLScene.h:238
char * m_szType
VEID type.
Definition: DVLScene.h:336
Hides all nodes in the scene and then shows only the nodes in the layer.
Definition: DVLTypes.h:317
Build a list using all the nodes.
Definition: DVLScene.h:388
uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLProceduresInfo
The size of the sDVLProceduresInfo structure. Needs to be filled before calling IDVLScene::RetrievePr...
Definition: DVLScene.h:503
Retrieve the node additional information. Used only for the hotspots.
Definition: DVLScene.h:132
Retrieve parents of the node.
Definition: DVLScene.h:114
Retrieve materials.
Definition: DVLScene.h:39
void * pimpl
A pointer to the private data, do not touch it.
Definition: DVLScene.h:444
char * m_szLocalizationPrefix
If DVLSCENEINFO_LOCALIZATION_PREFIX flag is specified, this member variable contains a UTF-8 prefix o...
Definition: DVLScene.h:78
Retrieve node opacity.
Definition: DVLScene.h:123
char * m_szUniqueID
Receives the unique id of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_UNIQUEID is used. Otherwise NULL...
Definition: DVLScene.h:177
Retrieve a list of layers.
Definition: DVLScene.h:33
uint32_t m_uParentNodesCount
Receives the length of the parent node chain if DVLNODEINFO_PARENTS is used. Otherwise 0...
Definition: DVLScene.h:180
Retrieve display units.
Definition: DVLScene.h:36
Retrieve current step info.
Definition: DVLScene.h:30
Definition: DVLScene.h:461
Sort from Z to A.
Definition: DVLScene.h:405
Sort by the number of nodes in the part, parts with smaller number of nodes go first.
Definition: DVLScene.h:408
Definition: DVLScene.h:586
uint64_t DVLID
DVLID is the main identifier for all items inside a DVL scene. Materials, nodes, meshes, lights, cameras, animations - they all have unique DVLID.
Definition: DVLTypes.h:12
Definition: DVLScene.h:438
uint32_t m_uPartsCount
The number of parts in the list.
Definition: DVLScene.h:447
A pointer to the array of sDVLVEID structures that contain VEIDs. The number of elements in the array...
Definition: DVLScene.h:356
Sort by the number of nodes in the part, parts with larger number of nodes go first.
Definition: DVLScene.h:411
Retrieve node URIs.
Definition: DVLScene.h:129
Definition: DVLTypes.h:361
float m_vSceneDimensions[2][3]
Definition: DVLScene.h:82
Defines the scene information flags to be used in IDVLScene::RetrieveSceneInfo()
Definition: DVLScene.h:15
char * m_szName
Name of the part in UTF-8 encoding, can be NULL.
Definition: DVLScene.h:420
sDVLProcedure * m_pProcedures
The array of procedures of the m_uProceduresCount size. May be NULL.
Definition: DVLScene.h:512
DVLID * m_pChildNodes
Definition: DVLScene.h:194
DVLID * m_pParentNodes
Definition: DVLScene.h:186
void * pimpl
A pointer to the private data, do not touch it.
Definition: DVLScene.h:353
char * m_szNodeInfo
Receives the additional info of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_INFO is used. Otherwise NULL...
Definition: DVLScene.h:171
uint32_t m_uURIsCount
Receives the number of URIs if DVLNODEINFO_URI is used. Otherwise 0. May also be 0 if node has no URI...
Definition: DVLScene.h:210
float m_fOpacity
Receives node opacity, which is a floating point value in the range of 0.0f .. 1.0f (0...
Definition: DVLScene.h:200
Defines the way a layer is applied to the scene in ApplyLayerVisibility()
Definition: DVLTypes.h:314
uint32_t m_uIDCount
The number of elements in the m_pIDs array.
Definition: DVLScene.h:359
Definition: DVLScene.h:56
Retrieve the node name.
Definition: DVLScene.h:105
Definition: DVLScene.h:144
Retrieve node flags.
Definition: DVLScene.h:120
uint32_t m_uStepsCount
The number of steps in the procedure or the number of model views in the portfolio.
Definition: DVLScene.h:487
The DVLID identifier of the step or model view.
Definition: DVLScene.h:464
Find node by "unique id" (unique id is stored inside some VDS files [it is optional]) ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:535
Match nodes by finding "str" substring in node name/assetid/uniqueid (case insensitive, UTF8-aware)
Definition: DVLScene.h:555
Definition: DVLScene.h:319
Definition: DVLScene.h:399
double m_dDisplayUnits
DisplayUnits are user preference units. 0.001 stands for millimeter, 0.01 stands for centimeter etc...
Definition: DVLScene.h:95
Retrieve the list of selected nodes.
Definition: DVLScene.h:21
Defines the node information flags to be used in IDVLScene::RetrieveNodeInfo()
Definition: DVLScene.h:102
Match nodes by finding "str" substring in node name/assetid/uniqueid (case sensitive, UTF8-aware)
Definition: DVLScene.h:552
Retrieve children of the node.
Definition: DVLScene.h:117
uint32_t m_uProceduresCount
The number of the procedures in the scene.
Definition: DVLScene.h:509
Sort from A to Z.
Definition: DVLScene.h:402
Match nodes by comparing first "strlen(str)" symbols of node name/assetid/uniqueid with "str" (case i...
Definition: DVLScene.h:561
Retrieve the prefix for scene localization.
Definition: DVLScene.h:24
DVLID * m_pLayers
Definition: DVLScene.h:92
uint32_t m_uChildNodesCount
Receives the number of child nodes if DVLNODEINFO_CHILDREN is used. Otherwise 0. May also be 0 if the...
Definition: DVLScene.h:189
DVLID * m_pSelectedNodes
Definition: DVLScene.h:75
Definition: DVLTypes.h:113
uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLFindNodesList
The size of the sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo structure. Needs to be filled before using sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:569
Find node by "asset id" (asset id is stored inside some VDS files [it is optional]) ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:532
Definition: DVLScene.h:385
Defines the scene actions.
Definition: DVLTypes.h:335
The DVLID identifier of the procedure or portfolio.
Definition: DVLScene.h:481
char * m_szName
The key of the pair.
Definition: DVLScene.h:322
uint32_t m_uLayersCount
Number of layers in the scene if DVLSCENEINFO_LAYERS flag is passed. Otherwise 0. ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:88
Build a list using only the nodes, consumed by a particular step (step DVLID is passed as a parameter...
Definition: DVLScene.h:394
void * pimpl
A pointer to the private data, do not touch it.
Definition: DVLScene.h:506
Retrieve the node asset id.
Definition: DVLScene.h:108
sDVLProcedure * m_pPortfolios
The array of portfolios of the m_uPortfoliosCount size. May be NULL.
Definition: DVLScene.h:518
uint32_t m_uPortfoliosCount
The number of portfolios in the scene.
Definition: DVLScene.h:515
char * m_szNodeName
Receives the name of the node (UTF-8) if DVLNODEINFO_NAME is used. Otherwise NULL.
Definition: DVLScene.h:168
uint16_t m_uSizeOfDVLVEIDInfo
The size of the structure, needs to be sizeof(sDVLVEIDInfo)
Definition: DVLScene.h:350
Match nodes by comparing node name/assetid/uniqueid with "str" (case sensitive, fastest option [does ...
Definition: DVLScene.h:546
Defines the result of the operation. May be successful or not.
Definition: DVLTypes.h:37
char * m_szName
The name of the procedure or portfolio, UTF-8 encoding.
Definition: DVLScene.h:484
char * m_szDescription
The description of the step or model view, UTF-8 encoding. May be NULL.
Definition: DVLScene.h:470
sDVLStep * m_pSteps
The array of sDVLStep structures defining the steps or model views. The length is defined by the m_uS...
Definition: DVLScene.h:490
char * m_szKeywords
The keywords / publishing metadata of the step or model view, UTF-8 encoding. May be NULL...
Definition: DVLScene.h:473
DVLID * m_pChildNodes
Definition: DVLScene.h:68
uint32_t m_uNameValuePairsCount
Number of key-value pairs for this VEID.
Definition: DVLScene.h:339
Definition: DVLScene.h:347
Definition: DVLScene.h:215
Build a list using only the visible nodes.
Definition: DVLScene.h:391
DVLID * m_pNodes
Definition: DVLScene.h:245
Definition: DVLMaterial.h:139
sDVLPartsListItem * m_pParts
Array of sDVLPartsListItem structures, defining the parts list. The length is defined in the m_uParts...
Definition: DVLScene.h:450