SAP 3D Visual Enterprise applications SDK
IDVLScene Class Referenceabstract

#include <DVLScene.h>

Public Types

enum  eCreateNodeCopyFlags : uint16_t { COPY_CHILDREN = (1 << 0), COPY_ANIMATION = (1 << 1), FULL_COPY = 0xFFFF }

Public Member Functions

virtual DVLRESULT RetrieveSceneInfo (uint32_t flags, sDVLSceneInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleaseSceneInfo (sDVLSceneInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void GetNodeSelectionInfo (uint32_t *pTotalSelectedNodesCount, uint32_t *pVisibleSelectedNodesCount, uint32_t *pHiddenSelectedNodesCount)=0
virtual void PerformAction (DVLSCENEACTION action)=0
virtual DVLRESULT RetrieveNodeInfo (DVLID id, uint32_t flags, sDVLNodeInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleaseNodeInfo (sDVLNodeInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual DVLRESULT RetrieveLayerInfo (DVLID id, sDVLLayerInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleaseLayerInfo (sDVLLayerInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual DVLRESULT RetrieveMetadata (DVLID id, sDVLMetadataInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleaseMetadata (sDVLMetadataInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual DVLRESULT RetrieveVEIDs (DVLID id, sDVLVEIDInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleaseVEIDs (sDVLVEIDInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual DVLRESULT RetrieveThumbnail (DVLID id, sDVLImage *pThumbnail)=0
virtual void ReleaseThumbnail (sDVLImage *pThumbnail)=0
virtual DVLRESULT BuildPartsList (uint32_t uMaxParts, uint32_t uMaxNodesInSinglePart, uint32_t uMaxPartNameLength, eDVLPartsListType eType, eDVLPartsListSort eSort, DVLID idConsumedStep, const char *szSubstring, sDVLPartsListInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleasePartsList (sDVLPartsListInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual DVLRESULT FindNodes (eDVLFindNodeType type, eDVLFindNodeMode mode, const char *str, sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleaseNodeIDsArrayInfo (sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual DVLRESULT RetrieveProcedures (sDVLProceduresInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual void ReleaseProcedures (sDVLProceduresInfo *pInfo)=0
virtual DVLRESULT ActivateStep (DVLID id, bool bFromTheBeginning, bool bContinueToTheNext, float stepTime=-1.f)=0
virtual DVLRESULT PauseCurrentStep ()=0
virtual DVLID CreateNode (DVLID idParent, const char *szNodeName=NULL, DVLID idInsertBefore=DVLID_INVALID)=0
virtual DVLID CreateNodeCopy (DVLID idNode, DVLID idParent, eCreateNodeCopyFlags flags)=0
virtual DVLRESULT DeleteNode (DVLID id)=0
virtual DVLRESULT ChangeNodeFlags (DVLID id, uint32_t flags, DVLFLAGOPERATION flagop)=0
virtual DVLRESULT SetNodeOpacity (DVLID id, float opacity)=0
virtual DVLRESULT SetNodeHighlightColor (DVLID id, uint32_t color)=0
virtual DVLRESULT GetNodeWorldMatrix (DVLID id, sDVLMatrix &wtm) const =0
virtual DVLRESULT SetNodeWorldMatrix (DVLID id, const sDVLMatrix *pwtm)=0
virtual DVLRESULT GetNodeLocalMatrix (DVLID id, sDVLMatrix &tm) const =0
virtual DVLRESULT SetNodeLocalMatrix (DVLID id, const sDVLMatrix *ptm)=0
virtual IDVLMaterialGetMaterialByName (const char *name) const =0
virtual size_t GetNodeSubmeshesCount (DVLID nodeId) const =0
virtual IDVLMaterialGetNodeSubmeshMaterial (DVLID nodeId, size_t index) const =0
virtual DVLRESULT SetNodeSubmeshMaterial (DVLID nodeId, size_t index, IDVLMaterial *material)=0
virtual DVLRESULT Execute (DVLEXECUTE type, const char *str)=0
virtual void Retain ()=0
virtual void Release ()=0

Detailed Description

This class defines the scene interface

IDVLScene uses reference counting to manage its lifetime. Do not forget to call the Release() method when you don't need the scene.

Member Function Documentation

§ ActivateStep()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::ActivateStep ( DVLID  id,
bool  bFromTheBeginning,
bool  bContinueToTheNext,
float  stepTime = -1.f 
pure virtual

Activates a step by playing its animation. Optionally plays steps that go after this step

idThe identifier of the step or model view to activate
bFromTheBeginningPlay step from beginning or from currently paused position
bContinueToTheNextWhat to do after finishing playing the current step: play next steps or stop
stepTimeThe time at which the step animation starts. Default: -1.
Return values
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf Step with such ID does not exist
DVLRESULT_PROCESSEDIf bFromTheBeginning is false and current step is already playing (not an error, the step just continues to play)
DVLRESULT_INVALIDCALLIf bFromTheBeginning is false, bContinueToTheNext is true and current step has stopped playing and doesn't have next step (i.e. we're at the end of all steps)
DVLRESULT_OKIf a step was activated


  • If bFromTheBeginning is false and current step is not the same as id, then bFromTheBeginning is treated as true
  • If current step has finished playing and id points to current step, then one of the three things happen:
  • If bContinueToTheNext is true and next step exists, then next step is activated
  • If bContinueToTheNext is true and next step doesn't exist, then DVLRESULT_INVALIDCALL is returned
  • If bContinueToTheNext is false then current step is played again from the start (as if bFromTheBeginning is true)

§ ApplyLayerVisibility()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::ApplyLayerVisibility ( DVLID  id,
pure virtual

Hides all nodes in the scene and then shows only nodes that exist in the given layer

idThe identifier of the layer
Return values
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf Layer with such ID does not exist
DVLRESULT_OKIf operation was successfully performed

§ BuildPartsList()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::BuildPartsList ( uint32_t  uMaxParts,
uint32_t  uMaxNodesInSinglePart,
uint32_t  uMaxPartNameLength,
eDVLPartsListType  eType,
eDVLPartsListSort  eSort,
DVLID  idConsumedStep,
const char *  szSubstring,
sDVLPartsListInfo pInfo 
pure virtual

Builds a parts list and stores it inside the provided structure

Some files have a built-in "parts list" information. If this info exists, then this function uses existing "parts list" data structures to populate sDVLPartsListInfo. However, if explicit "parts list" info does not exist in the given file, then it is generated on the fly by combining nodes with equal names into a single part.
uMaxPartsMaximum number of parts required. For example, it doesn't make sense to have 100,000 parts on iPad. 0 for unlimited.
uMaxNodesInSinglePartMaximum number of nodes in a single part to be saved. If more nodes belong to a part, they will be ignored. For example, more than 1000 nodes per part is probably more than enough for iPad. 0 for unlimited.
uMaxPartNameLengthMaximum length of part name. For example, no point in having 1000 symbol strings on iPad (cause there is no way to display them anyways). 0 for unlimited.
eTypeType of listing: full, visible only, only consumed by idConsumedStep step
eSortType of sorting: A..Z, Z..A, etc
idConsumedStepOnly used when eType == DVLPARTSLISTTYPE_CONSUMED_BY_STEP, set to DVLID_INVALID or any other value if not DVLPARTSLISTTYPE_CONSUMED_BY_STEP
szSubstringOnly parts that include szSubstring are returned. Set to NULL if filtering is not required.
pInfoA pointer to a sDVLPartsListInfo structure that receives the data
Return values
DVLRESULT_BADFORMATIf m_uSizeOfDVLPartsListInfo is wrong
DVLRESULT_OUTOFMEMORYIf parts list could not be created due to memory failure
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf all went fine


  • This call may be expensive!!! Draw hourglass cursor or something like that.
  • Scenes may be huge (millions of nodes), it may be a good idea to set the appropriate limitations for the list
  • You need to initialize the m_uSizeOfDVLPartsListInfo member with the size of the sDVLPartsListInfo structure
  • Use ReleasePartsList() method to release the data


pl.m_uSizeOfDVLPartsListInfo = sizeof(pl);
DVLPARTSLIST_RECOMMENDED_uMaxParts, // use recommended list length limit
DVLPARTSLIST_RECOMMENDED_uMaxNodesInSinglePart, // use recommended nodes in the part limit
DVLPARTSLIST_UNLIMITED_uMaxPartNameLength, // do not limit the length of the name
DVLPARTSLISTTYPE_ALL, // build the list using all the nodes
DVLPARTSLISTSORT_NAME_ASCENDING, // sort the list ascending
DVLID_INVALID, // do not provide a consumed step id
NULL, // do not filter
printf("There are %d parts in the list\n", pl.m_uPartsCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pl.m_uPartsCount; i++)
sDVLPartListItem *item = pl.m_pParts[i];
printf("%d. name = '%s', has %d nodes\n", i, item->m_szName, item->m_uNodesCount);

§ ChangeNodeFlags()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::ChangeNodeFlags ( DVLID  id,
uint32_t  flags,
pure virtual

Changes some node flags

idDVLID of the node that you need to change flags on
flagsBitfield combination of one or more DVLNODEFLAG flags
Return values
DVLRESULT_NOINTERFACEIf "id" is pointing to an item of different type
DVLRESULT_PROCESSEDIf flags were not changed (not an error, DVLSUCCEEDED(DVLRESULT_PROCESSED) == true). For example when hiding a hidden node
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf some flags were changed

§ CreateNode()

virtual DVLID IDVLScene::CreateNode ( DVLID  idParent,
const char *  szNodeName = NULL,
DVLID  idInsertBefore = DVLID_INVALID 
pure virtual

Creates an empty node in the scene. You can use this method for building node hierarchies using API.

idParentParent node id. If set to DVLID_INVALID, then the node would be created at top level in hierarchy.
szNodeNameName of the newly created node, can be NULL
idInsertBeforeThe id of the node before which to insert the new node. If set to DVLID_INVALID then add the node at the end.
Return values
DVLIDCreated node id or DVLID_INVALID in case of error

§ CreateNodeCopy()

virtual DVLID IDVLScene::CreateNodeCopy ( DVLID  idNode,
DVLID  idParent,
eCreateNodeCopyFlags  flags 
pure virtual

Creates node copy

idNodeCopied node id
idParentParent node id
flagsCopy flags
Return values
DVLIDCreated node id

§ DeleteNode()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::DeleteNode ( DVLID  id)
pure virtual

Deletes a node and all of its children. Works only with nodes that were previously created via API (CreateNode() and CreateNodeCopy() methods).

idId of the node to delete
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf "id" is incorrect
DVLRESULT_ACCESSDENIEDIf node was loaded from a .vds file. You can only delete nodes created using API.
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf node with specified "id" doesn't exist
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf node and all its children were deleted

§ Execute()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::Execute ( DVLEXECUTE  type,
const char *  str 
pure virtual

Executes a query

typeQuery type, see DVLEXECUTE enum
strQuery string, see DVLEXECUTE enum for string format
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf query wasn't performed
DVLRESULT_OKIf query was successfully performed
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized

§ FindNodes()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::FindNodes ( eDVLFindNodeType  type,
eDVLFindNodeMode  mode,
const char *  str,
sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo pInfo 
pure virtual

Finds a list of scene nodes by matching them using a string parameter [different search types are possible: by name, asset id or unique id]

typeOne of eDVLFindNodeType values
modeOne of eDVLFindNodeMode values
strString identifier to search on (depends on "type" value)
pInfoA pointer to the sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo structure that receives the list of found nodes
Return values
DVLRESULT_BADFORMATIf m_uSizeOfDVLFindNodesList is wrong
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_PROCESSEDIf scene does not have nodes which satisfy a query
DVLRESULT_OKIf some nodes have been retrieved

§ GetNodeLocalMatrix()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::GetNodeLocalMatrix ( DVLID  id,
sDVLMatrix tm 
) const
pure virtual

Retrieves node local matrix

idDVLID of the node
tmNode local matrix will be put into this variable
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf "id" is incorrect
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf node with specified "id" doesn't exist
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf matrix was successfully retrieved

§ GetNodeSelectionInfo()

virtual void IDVLScene::GetNodeSelectionInfo ( uint32_t *  pTotalSelectedNodesCount,
uint32_t *  pVisibleSelectedNodesCount,
uint32_t *  pHiddenSelectedNodesCount 
pure virtual

Used for quick interrogation of "node selection", for example "Show selected nodes" is only available if there is at least 1 invisible node selected

pTotalSelectedNodesCountPointer to the total number of selected nodes. Set to NULL if not needed.
pVisibleSelectedNodesCountPointer to the number of visible selected nodes. Set to NULL if not needed.
pHiddenSelectedNodesCountPointer to the number of hidden selected nodes. Set to NULL if not needed.

§ GetNodeWorldMatrix()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::GetNodeWorldMatrix ( DVLID  id,
sDVLMatrix wtm 
) const
pure virtual

Retrieves node world matrix

idDVLID of the node
wtmNode world matrix will be put into this variable
This matrix is re-evaluated every frame during animation.
If you specify matrix via SetNodeWorldMatrix() [i.e. set the "global" override matrix], it will override node matrix and animation until SetNodeWorldMatrix(id, NULL) is performed.
If SetNodeWorldMatrix() was not called on this node, then this method returns the world matrix which is built from scene hierarchy (using local matrices of the nodes).


g_pScene->GetNodeWorldMatrix(id, mat);
mat.m[3][2] += 1.f;//Z up
g_pScene->SetNodeWorldMatrix(id, &mat);
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf "id" is incorrect
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf node with specified "id" doesn't exist
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf matrix was successfully retrieved

§ PauseCurrentStep()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::PauseCurrentStep ( )
pure virtual

Pauses the current step, if any

Return values
DVLRESULT_PROCESSEDIf current step is already paused (in this case it is still kept paused)
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf there is no "current step" playing
DVLRESULT_OKIf current step was paused

§ PerformAction()

virtual void IDVLScene::PerformAction ( DVLSCENEACTION  action)
pure virtual

Executes a particular action on the scene, see DVLSCENEACTION enum


§ Release()

virtual void IDVLScene::Release ( )
pure virtual

Releases the scene and deletes it if reference count is zero.

See Retain() method for more details on reference counting.

§ ReleaseLayerInfo()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseLayerInfo ( sDVLLayerInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to RetrieveLayerInfo()

pInfoA pointer to a sDVLLayerInfo structure filled by RetrieveLayerInfo() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLLayerInfo is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleaseMetadata()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseMetadata ( sDVLMetadataInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to RetrieveMetadata()

pInfoA pointer to the sDVLMetadataInfo structure filled by the RetrieveMetadata() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLMetadata is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleaseNodeIDsArrayInfo()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseNodeIDsArrayInfo ( sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was allocated by SDK in the provided pInfo structure (For example after using FindNodes())

pInfoA pointer to a sDVLNodeIDsArrayInfo structure
If m_uSizeOfDVLFindNodesList is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleaseNodeInfo()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseNodeInfo ( sDVLNodeInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to RetrieveNodeInfo()

pInfoA pointer to the sDVLNodeInfo structure filled by the RetrieveNodeInfo() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLNodeInfo is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleasePartsList()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleasePartsList ( sDVLPartsListInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to BuildPartsList()

pInfoA pointer to a sDVLPartsListInfo structure filled by a previous BuildPartsList() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLPartsListInfo is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleaseProcedures()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseProcedures ( sDVLProceduresInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to RetrieveSteps()

pInfoA pointer to a sDVLProceduresInfo structure filled by the RetrieveSteps() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLProceduresInfo is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleaseSceneInfo()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseSceneInfo ( sDVLSceneInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to RetrieveSceneInfo()

pInfoA pointer to a sDVLSceneInfo structure filled by RetrieveSceneInfo() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLSceneInfo is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleaseThumbnail()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseThumbnail ( sDVLImage pThumbnail)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to RetrieveThumbnail()

pThumbnailA pointer to a sDVLImage structure filled by the RetrieveThumbnail() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLThumbnail is wrong, pThumbnail will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ ReleaseVEIDs()

virtual void IDVLScene::ReleaseVEIDs ( sDVLVEIDInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Releases all memory that was initialized in a previous call to RetrieveVEIDs()

pInfoA pointer to the sDVLVEIDInfo structure filled by the RetrieveVEIDs() call
If m_uSizeOfDVLVEID is wrong, pInfo will not be deleted (and you'll get a memory leak)

§ Retain()

virtual void IDVLScene::Retain ( )
pure virtual

Increases the internal reference counter

The scene object maintains a counter of references to itself. Each Retain() call increments it, each Release() call decrements. The scene gets deleted when the counter becomes zero. When you load a scene, the counter is set to 1. You then need to call Release() to delete the scene. However, if you attach the scene to a renderer, it will keep its own reference, so your Release() call will not delete the scene unless the renderer releases it, as well.

§ RetrieveLayerInfo()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::RetrieveLayerInfo ( DVLID  id,
sDVLLayerInfo pInfo 
pure virtual

Retrieves layer information into the provided structure

idDVLID of the layer that you query on
pInfoA pointer to the sDVLLayerInfo structure that receives the data

§ RetrieveMetadata()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::RetrieveMetadata ( DVLID  id,
sDVLMetadataInfo pInfo 
pure virtual

Retrieves metadata into the provided structure

idDVLID of the item that you query on (can be node, layer, step view)
pInfoA pointer to the sDVLMetadataInfo structure that receives the data
Return values
DVLRESULT_BADFORMATIf m_uSizeOfDVLMetadata is wrong
DVLRESULT_OUTOFMEMORYIf metadata data could not be created due to memory failure
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_PROCESSEDIf item does not have metadata (in such case sDVLMetadataInfo::m_pMetadata == NULL)
DVLRESULT_OKIf some metadata has been retrieved


  • You need to initialize the m_uSizeOfDVLMetadata member of the sDVLMetadataInfo structure before calling the function.
  • Use ReleaseMetadata() to release memory of the structure


DVLID nodeId = ....; // get a node id somehow, for example via RetrieveSceneInfo()
mi.m_uSizeOfDVLMetadata = sizeof(mi);
if (DVLSUCCEEDED(pScene->RetrieveMetadata(nodeId, &mi)))
if (pRoot)
printf("The root medatadata has %d keys and %d namespaces\n", pRoot->m_uNameValuePairsCount, pRoot->m_uNamespacesCount);
printf("The node doesn't have any metadata\n");

§ RetrieveNodeInfo()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::RetrieveNodeInfo ( DVLID  id,
uint32_t  flags,
sDVLNodeInfo pInfo 
pure virtual

Retrieves node information into the provided structure

idDVLID of the node that you query on
flagsBitfield combination of one or more DVLNODEINFO flags
pInfoA pointer to the sDVLNodeInfo structure that receives the data
Return values
DVLRESULT_NOINTERFACEIf "id" is pointing to an item of different type
DVLRESULT_OUTOFMEMORYIf some info could not be retrieved due to memory failure
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized


  • You need to initialize the m_uSizeOfDVLNodeInfo member of the sDVLNodeInfo structure with its size.
  • This method may be quite expensive
  • Try to limit the number of RetrieveNodeInfo() calls
  • Retrieve all info that you need in a single call with multiple flags set (it's faster than issuing multiple calls with less flags)


DVLID nodeId = ....; // get a node id somehow, for example via RetrieveSceneInfo()
sDVLNodeInfo ni = {};
ni.m_uSizeOfDVLNodeInfo = sizeof(ni);
printf("node '%s' has %d children\n", ni.m_szNodeName, ni.m_uChildNodesCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ni.m_uChildNodesCount; i++)
DVLID childId = ni.m_pChildNodes[i];
// do something with childId
// release the data

§ RetrieveProcedures()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::RetrieveProcedures ( sDVLProceduresInfo pInfo)
pure virtual

Retrieves a list of procedures and portfolios in the scene

pInfoA pointer to a sDVLProceduresInfo structure that receives the data
Return values
DVLRESULT_BADFORMATIf m_uSizeOfDVLProceduresInfo is wrong
DVLRESULT_OUTOFMEMORYIn case of memory failure
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf all went fine


  • You need to initialize the m_uSizeOfDVLProceduresInfo member of the structure with its size
  • Use ReleaseProcedures() to release the data
  • Both procedures and portfolios use the same sDVLProcedure structure


sDVLProceduresInfo procs = {};
procs.m_uSizeOfDVLProceduresInfo = sizeof(procs);
if (DVLSUCCEEDED(pScene->RetrieveProcedures(&procs)))
printf("The scene has %d procedures and %d portfolios\n", procs.m_uProceduresCount, procs.m_uPortfoliosCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < procs.m_uProceduresCount; i++)
printf("procedure #%d: name = '%s', steps = %d\n", i, p->m_szName, p->m_uStepsCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < procs.m_uPortfoliosCount; i++)
printf("portfolio #%d: name = '%s', model views = %d\n", i, p->m_szName, p->m_uStepsCount);

§ RetrieveSceneInfo()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::RetrieveSceneInfo ( uint32_t  flags,
sDVLSceneInfo pInfo 
pure virtual

Retrieves scene information into the provided structure

flagsBitfield combination of one or more DVLSCENEINFO flags
pInfoA pointer to the sDVLSceneInfo structure that receives the scene information
Return values
DVLRESULT_BADFORMATIf m_uSizeOfDVLSceneInfo is wrong
DVLRESULT_OUTOFMEMORYIf some info could not be retrieved due to memory failure
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized


  • You need to initialize the m_uSizeOfDVLSceneInfo member of the sDVLSceneInfo structure with its size.
  • This method may be quite expensive
  • Try to limit the number of RetrieveSceneInfo() calls
  • Retrieve all info that you need in a single call with multiple flags set (it's faster than issuing multiple calls with less flags)


sDVLSceneInfo si = {};
si.m_uSizeOfDVLSceneInfo = sizeof(si);
printf("%d nodes selected, %d top level items\n", si.m_uSelectedNodesCount, si.m_uChildNodesCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < si.m_uSelectedNodesCount; i++)
DVLID selId = si.m_pSelectedNodes[i];
// do something with selId
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < si.m_uChildNodesCount; i++)
DVLID childId = si.m_pChildNodes[i];
// do something with childId
// release the data

§ RetrieveThumbnail()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::RetrieveThumbnail ( DVLID  id,
sDVLImage pThumbnail 
pure virtual

Retrieves a thumbnail for specified DVLID into the provided buffer

idDVLID of an item (item type may be arbitrary)
pThumbnailA pointer to the sDVLImage structure that receives the data.
Return values
DVLRESULT_BADFORMATIf m_uSizeOfDVLMetadata is wrong
DVLRESULT_OUTOFMEMORYIf thumbnail could not be retrieved due to memory failure
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf item does not have thumbnail (in such case sDVLImage::m_pImageBuffer == NULL)
DVLRESULT_OKIf thumbnail was successfully retrieved


  • Most item types don't have thumbnails
  • The data you receive are encoded (either JPEG or PNG), so you have to decode them first. This needs to be done using the OS-specific routines.


DVLID stepId = ...; // get a step identifier somehow
sDVLImage img = {};
img.m_uSizeOfDVLImage = sizeof(img);
if (DVLSUCCEEDED(pScene->RetrieveThumbnail(stepId, &img)))
LoadImageFromData(img.m_uImageSize, img.m_pImageBuffer); // use the image data

§ RetrieveVEIDs()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::RetrieveVEIDs ( DVLID  id,
sDVLVEIDInfo pInfo 
pure virtual

Retrieves VEIDs into the provided structure.

idDVLID of the item that you query on
pInfoA pointer to the sDVLVEIDInfo structure that receives the data
Return values
DVLRESULT_OUTOFMEMORYIf VEID data could not be created due to memory failure
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_PROCESSEDIf item does not have VEIDs (in such case sDVLVEIDInfo::m_pIDs == NULL)
DVLRESULT_OKIf VEIDs have been retrieved


  • You need to initialize the m_uSizeOfDVLVEID member of the sDVLVEIDInfo structure before calling the function.
  • Use ReleaseVEIDs() to release memory of the structure

§ SetNodeHighlightColor()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::SetNodeHighlightColor ( DVLID  id,
uint32_t  color 
pure virtual

Sets node highlight color

idDVLID of the node that you need to set highlight color for
colorHighlight color value (32-bit ABGR, where A is amount of blending between material color and highlight color)
Make sure you set 'A' component to non-zero value, or otherwise highlight will not be visible (as the amount would be '0'). For example, 0xFF0000FF gives 100% red highlight. 0x7F00FF00 gives 50% green highlight.
Set "color" to 0 to clear highlighting
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf "id" is incorrect
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf node with specified "id" doesn't exist
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf node highlight color was modified

§ SetNodeLocalMatrix()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::SetNodeLocalMatrix ( DVLID  id,
const sDVLMatrix ptm 
pure virtual

Sets node local matrix

idDVLID of the node
ptmPointer to a local matrix to set. Set to NULL if you want to remove local matrix (if local matrix does not exist, it is treated as Identity matrix in all computations).
Local matrix modification is only allowed on nodes that were created using API methods. It is not allowed on nodes that came from a .vds file.
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf "id" is incorrect
DVLRESULT_ACCESSDENIEDIf node was loaded from a .vds file. Local matrix modification is only allowed on nodes created via API.
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf node with specified "id" doesn't exist
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf matrix was successfully modified

§ SetNodeOpacity()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::SetNodeOpacity ( DVLID  id,
float  opacity 
pure virtual

Sets node opacity

idDVLID of the node that you need to set opacity
opacityOpacity amount (0.0 - fully transparent, 1.0 - fully opaque)
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf "id" is incorrect
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf node with specified "id" doesn't exist
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf node opacity was modified

§ SetNodeWorldMatrix()

virtual DVLRESULT IDVLScene::SetNodeWorldMatrix ( DVLID  id,
const sDVLMatrix pwtm 
pure virtual

Sets node world matrix

idDVLID of the node
pwtmPointer to a world matrix to set. Set to NULL if you want to restore default matrix.
If you set matrix with this call, it will override node matrix evaluation in DVL until SetNodeWorldMatrix(id, NULL) is performed. I.e. animation for this node will not play.
Technical detail: this fills in a special "global" matrix for a node which takes precedense over node local matrix and animation.


g_pScene->GetNodeWorldMatrix(id, mat);
mat.m[3][2] += 1.f;//Z up
g_pScene->SetNodeWorldMatrix(id, &mat);
Return values
DVLRESULT_FAILIf "id" is incorrect
DVLRESULT_NOTFOUNDIf node with specified "id" doesn't exist
DVLRESULT_NOTINITIALIZEDIf scene is not properly initialized
DVLRESULT_OKIf matrix was successfully modified

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