SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Applications SDK

About This SDK

This distiribution contains API documentation and examples only for the various platforms. For developer manuals and additional SDK documentation, please send an e-mail 3D@SAP.COM with the subject "Applications SDK Documentation" and you will be granted access to our Jam site.

Welcome to the SAP 3D Visual Enterprise applications SDK. The purpose of this SDK is to support the inclusion of interactive 3D in applications on mobile and desktop devices. This SDK is used to render and interact with 3D files in the VDS (Visual Design Stream) version 3 & 4 format (.vds file extension). It requires OpenGL ES2 on iOS, and OpenGL 2.0 on Windows. This SDK is written in C/C++, and is distributed as a set of headers and libraries.

Android libraries are available in the Applications SDK 2.4. However, they can only read VDS Version 3 files produced by Visual Enterprise 8 and below.

SDK Structure

This SDK includes: - API, which is called "DVL" (Dynamic Visualization Library). - API Reference, with classes and methods documentation in Doxygen format. - Sample applications for Windows Win32, Windows .NET, JavaScript, and iOS to help you get started.

This SDK is structured so that you can expect to find the same types of files in the folders with the following names:

API Capabilities

The DVL API does not have any UI. The DVL API only contains low level methods for: - opening VDS files - drawing the loaded scene in OpenGL context - scene access (list scene hierarchy, build parts list, request node names, etc) - playing animation steps - handling user gestures (rotate, zoom, pan, select)

The SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Viewer for iPad is an example of an application written in Objective C (iPad) using this SDK and you can try it to see what functionality is available in the SDK.

For more information on the DVL API, refer to the API Reference documentation.

Using This SDK

Producing VDS Files

VDS files used by this SDK can be produced by SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Author and SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Generator by either creating them from scratch or by converting to VDS from various other 3D formats (like .3ds, .asc, .x, and others).

Please take extra care with IP protection of 3D data.

Using Gestures

When creating applications, we strongly encourage you to implement the same standard gestures and 3D navigation as implemented in the SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer application. It is very important that we have a consistent navigation model across all applications if possible, so that end users do not have different navigation experiences. You can copy and paste the code for gestures from the following files in this SDK: - For iOS - - For Windows - Main.cpp

Developing JavaScript / HTML5 Applications

This SDK includes a JavaScript version of the DVL (Dynamic Visualization Library) which was created by cross-compiling the C++ library using Emscripten. The final JavaScript output of this process is included in the HTML example for the SDK as dvl.js and is referred to in all documents as jDVL.

If your application is able to use the SAPUI5 UI Development Toolkit for HTML5 then please use our Visual Interaction toolkit (sap.ui.vk) library instead of the jDVL contained in this SDK. In alignment with the SAP Cloud First strategy, the SAPUI5 toolkit receives all updates to the DVL library first. This SDK is updated infrequently and there may be significant delays between functionality being available in the SAPUI5 toolkit and published in an SDK update.

jDVL requires WebGL canvas support, which is not available in all browsers, see the WebGL compatibility list on to find out whether your target platform supports WebGL.

Other Versions of this SDK

An Extended version of this SDK is available to SAP employees for development of SAP applications. This Extended version includes support for the CGM (.cgm) file format (WebCGM specification only).